6th Annual Holiday Gathering
The 6th Annual Holiday Gathering/Meeting was yet another great success, all the homemade "Brunch" goodness in a word divine!!. The 20+ folks attending certainly seemed to enjoy themselves. The National Event was reviewed and everyone who participated or helped, were thanked probably one too many times. We have 2025 to look forward too!!
Our 2nd meeting of the year was a Breakfast Buffet at the Ramada Inn in Lewiston. The majority of our chapters vehicles seem to be vintage in the parking lot. This impressive fact isn't lost on most all the out of state members that attend any of our events!!
Our 7th meeting of 22 was held at Mae's Cafe and Bakery and the 18 members who attended got to voice their ideas for "destinations" for 2023. The food at Mae's was delightful and the service great, as our waitress was a former Service Writer at a nearby Volvo dealership - everyone left "content and satiated". Please check our Home Page or Current Events for our this years happenings (which will be shifted to Past Events in Jan 2023)
Coffee Break in Scarborough Our sixth meeting of 2021 was held at our "Ambassador of Good Will" beautiful home in Scarborough, with 18 people in attendance. Meetings were held at all our previous 5 events (see currents events page) for the year, albeit outside. As we try to take advantage of our "summers" (warm weather) in Maine.
Our first meeting of 2020 was held at a new breakfast spot in Bath, Mae's Cafe & Bakery. We intend to return whenever we can as it was delightful, ask any of the 11 members in attendance!!
April Meeting IHOP S. Portland Me
March Chapter Meeting IHOP S.Portland ME.
including the Maine Chapter 2018 GAS Awards
The 1st Meeting of 2019 was a Tech Session held At Alan Auto Volvo Service 195 St. John St., Portland on 1/27/19
At Noontime or shortly thereafter a dozen or so Maine chapter folks appeared at the front door of 940 Congress St., which of course is the Pizza Villa. Very shortly thereafter we were all sitting down to enjoy their always great pizza and other tempting items. After an hour or so of interesting conversations good food and being somewhat forgetfull to leave.... other than the reminder from Alan that the Tech Session was at his shop......
Our Tech Session, we were treated to quite a few interesting procedures including various types of metal polishing on a buffing machine, vehicle polishing on a 25+ year old 740 that it's previous owner had chosen employ a steel wool pad to remove pitch !! The session included a tour of his complete shop facility and the many Volvos in various states of restoration and the finer points there of... the time flew by and it was well past 4 when we all said our goodbyes and departed for our respective domicles. Many thanks to Alan Prosser as everyone learned a little or a lot , and we all certainly appreciated his time and efforts on Sunday.
Our Tech Session, we were treated to quite a few interesting procedures including various types of metal polishing on a buffing machine, vehicle polishing on a 25+ year old 740 that it's previous owner had chosen employ a steel wool pad to remove pitch !! The session included a tour of his complete shop facility and the many Volvos in various states of restoration and the finer points there of... the time flew by and it was well past 4 when we all said our goodbyes and departed for our respective domicles. Many thanks to Alan Prosser as everyone learned a little or a lot , and we all certainly appreciated his time and efforts on Sunday.
Last Chapter Meeting of 2018 12/2 Fairgrounds Cafe Topsham Fair Mall
Our last meeting of 2018 was like our Fall Tour, it rained all day. We had a good turn out and folks who had some great suggestions for our 2019 events calendar. Check back after New Years and see what you think!!

2nd Chapter Meeting of 2018
Thank You to the 9 members in attendance at our second meeting, it was great to see new faces (2nd gentleman on the right w/phone is our newest and yet another distinguished - Volvo career member). Meeting minutes are being reviewed and should be out soon from our Chapter Secretary watch your email!!

Last Chapter Meeting of 2017
Saturday 12/9/17
Our last Chapter Meeting of 2017 was held at the Fairgrounds Cafe in Topsham. It was a very commendable turnout, considering Maine's first "plowable" snowstorm had ended only hours earlier. Twelve members enjoyed breakfast, thoughts on this years and the coming year events, ideas and suggestions were also discussed. (check our "current" events page). Our annual Maine Chapter GAS Award for 2017 was presented to Mike Mack for his always helpful attitude, and participation at all our events this year. I for one hope neither he (or his family), lose the interest and appreciation of this marque, that we all feel a passion for, as the Mack family is a great additions to our chapter!